Blog: 360° Images for beautiful content!

Photowise can now produce 360° images for our clients. Users of social media platforms and therefor consumers are expecting more and more from digital marketing. They expect to “experience” things and static images are not enough for anymore. Plenty of brands are starting to adopt video on social media and platforms such as YouTube, as…

News: BRAND et al Website BTS

The et al GROUP comprises two lead consultancy agencies, and 13 specialist hubs, with a group staff complement of over 180 people. The lead agencies of the et al GROUP are level 1 contributors to B-BBEE, and the other et al companies’ B-BBEE ratings range between levels 2-4. et al MISSION: The et al GROUP’s offering spans…

Blog: Photowise’s Recipe for Lemonade

Add many hours of very hard work, to fighting spirits. Mix in a lot of love and dedication. Add many hours of very hard work, to fighting spirits. Dry the tears, kneed the aching muscles. Add the love and support of awesome students, clients and friends. Mix well. Persevere for 6 weeks….et voila!!! Photowise had…