Groot is die opgewondenheid!!
Hierdie Karoo werke wat ook deel is van Deon Meyer en Coenie de Villiers se Karoo Suite 2: Karoo Nagte Produkte word uitgestal by KKNK in Maart 2020.
As artists and visual storytellers we are inspired and driven by the creative use of light as the proverbial paintbrush for our photography. A recent National Geographic international cover shoot, as well as the collaboration with Coenie de Villiers and Deon Meyer on Karoo Suite 2: Naroonagte at the 2020 KKNK, gave us the opportunity to focus our artistic vision – yet again – on Creation’s perfect canvas: our beloved Karoo, the moon and the stars. This collection explores and highlights the often unnoticed and overlooked shapes, textures and stories of the ancient Karoo landscape.
As kunstenaars en visuele storievertellers word ons geïnspireer en gedryf deur die skeppende gebruik van lig – die spreekwoordelike verfkwas van die natuur. Die omslagwerk wat ons onlangs vir die internasionale uitgawe van National Geographic gedoen het, asook die samewerking met Coenie de Villiers en Deon Meyer vir Karoo Suite 2: Karoonagte by die 2020 KKNK, het ons weer eens die geleentheid gegee om ons visier te rig op die volmaakte skilderdoek: ons geliefde Karoo, die maan en die sterre. Hierdie versameling verken en belig die dikwels skugter vorme, teksture en stories van die oer-oue Karoo-landskap.
Those who love the Karoo will be deeply touched by the work of Maryna Cotton and Sarel van Staden. My encounter with their work was gripping, moving – it made me look afresh at my beloved Karoo. We are blessed that they were prepared to embark with us on this creative journey.
Astrophotography is a singular art. And to do it to international standard — and have you work accepted by die National Geographic magazine — is a rare achievement. Maryna Cotton and Sarel van Staden is a South African photography team who achieved this with resounding success. Their work takes my breath away.